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NEW ENDO 2022 Experiences You Can’t Miss!
April 2022
Digital Poster Pods
A new and improved addition to ENDO 2022 and a big step up from the traditional poster experience. Attendees can browse through all the posters virtually at any time and search for the topics that interest them the most in pods throughout the ENDOExpo. The Digital Poster Pods will also include daily Rapid-fire Poster Presentations where top-scoring submitters will give short, in-person talks highlighting the key points of their research and answer questions from interested attendees.“This is a great new innovation that we are experimenting with this year. All posters will be available in an electronic format that can be accessed from digital poster pods that will be present throughout the Expo floor as well as in the basic science meeting area,” says Stephen R. Hammes, PhD, MD, chair of the Annual Meeting Steering Committee. “This way, in addition to discovering and reading posters on the specific days on which they are assigned to be presented, attendees can pull them up at any time during the meeting. For example, if a trainee or really any researcher is interested in steroid hormone signaling and wants to show me their latest poster, all we have to do is walk to an open poster viewing site and take a look together!”
Basic Science Pavilion
The Basic Science Pavilion is an area designed specifically for basic scientists that includes sessions on basic science topics and a social lounge to give our scientists a place to discuss their research and build relationships with other experts in the field.“The basic science pavilion will provide a dedicated location at ENDO 2022 for basic science programming, networking, and social events,” says Scott Dehm, PhD, Basic Science Chair of the Annual Meeting Steering Committee. “This will enhance the ‘meeting within a meeting’ experience for attendees with basic science interests, especially those that align with the four basic science pathways of nuclear receptors and signaling; reproductive endocrinology; diabetes and metabolism; and neuroendocrinology.”
All-Attendee Social
This in-person, happy hour-style gathering for all ENDO attendees will take place on Sunday June 12, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the ENDOExpo. This is a fantastic opportunity for attendees and exhibitors to connect after years of virtual meetings.“It has been three years since the last in-person ENDO, and we know that everybody, from clinicians to educators to researchers, is itching to see each other again,” Hammes says. “The All-Attendee Social will give everybody a chance to meet in an informal, non-structured event that does not coincide with any major meeting sessions. This is an opportunity to socialize and catch up after three years of nothing but Zoom calls and meetings attended in our home offices.”
Other new experiences at this year’s meeting include the Communications & Career Center which is a hub for event news and professional growth and an invite-only reception for members of our Special Interest Groups. All these experiences minus the receptions will have a virtual component for those joining remotely.
Read in Endocrine News
Event Information
June 11-14, 2022Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta, GA
Important Dates
June 19, 2022- Standard non-member registrant access to the virtual platform concludes
June 30, 2022
- Standard member registrant access to the virtual platform concludes
August 14, 2022
- Standard registration credit claim expiration deadline
December 31, 2022
- Premium member and non-member access to the virtual platform concludes
- Premium registration credit claim expiration deadline