First-Time Attendees
If this is your first ENDO, make the most out of the annual meeting with these resources! Whether you are joining us in Atlanta or virtually, Endocrine Society will provide the support needed for the best possible meeting experience.
- Start networking with other attendees online or in person. Follow us on Twitter to share your experiences by using the hashtag #ENDO2022. As a first-time attendee sharing conference experiences are part of having a well-rounded conference experience!
- Discuss the exciting clinical and scientific content shared at ENDO on the DocMatter community platform. Start or join a thread with your peers in the forum to expand your knowledge on session topics.
Virtual Attendees:
- Log in and search the attendee list to share your business card and message your peers to let them know you are at ENDO.
- Remember that you can hold video calls on the platform with your peers.
In-Person Attendees:
- Pick up your name badge and first-timer attendee ribbon at the registration desk.
- Visit us at the booth to enjoy games, giveaways, prizes, and discover what’s new at Endocrine Society.
- Bring your business cards.
- Bring your mobile device to access the ENDO 2022 meeting app.
- Re-connect with your colleagues and unwind at our many social and networking events! Join us at the All-Attendee Social, the Basic Science Reception, and the ENDOExpo Happy Hour!
- Scope out the educational sessions and networking sessions and plan your agenda by visiting the conference schedule.
- Browse the list of exhibitors and set up meetings with them during ENDO.
- Know how to access CME/MOC. Plan how you will meet your requirements and access your certificate or transcript.
Virtual Attendees
- On Thursday, June 2, 3:30-4 PM ET, a panel of Endocrine Society staff members hosted the Virtual ENDO 2022: First-Timers Orientation. Receive answers to your questions about our virtual educational offerings, how to claim educational credit, the event platform, and more! Watch the recording now!
In-Person Attendees
- Take advantage of everything the vibrant city of Atlanta has to offer!
- Keep an eye on your inbox- Endocrine Society is inviting first timers for a tour of the Georgia World Congress Center on Friday, 6/10. Take the stress out of navigating to your sessions by registering for the tour today.
- Don’t miss the Special Interest Group reception on 6/10, 6-8 PM ET where you can network with colleagues who share your interests, join new SIGs, and explore our exciting venue, the College Football Hall of Fame. This event is by invitation only.
- ENDO is exciting, invigorating, and inspiring … but it can also be overwhelming your first time. With the ENDO Buddy System, a membership staffer will advise you on making the most of your experience, networking events, and exhibit hall. They may even introduce you to other peers.
- Take a look at what’s new at ENDO - from the Basic Science Pavilion to the Communications and Career Center, ENDO 2022 promises to be a rewarding and eventful conference experience.
“I absolutely enjoy attending ENDO meetings because of their wide variety of sessions and topics. I have attended every ENDO meeting since I was a 3rd year internal medicine resident. My first ENDO meeting helped me finalize my decision to pursue an Endocrinology fellowship. This year, I look forward to getting a clinical and research update, attending symposia and Meet the Professor sessions, exploring ENDO EXPO, catching up with my colleagues and mentors, and making new connections.”~Oksana Hamidi, DO
In-Person ENDO 2022 Attendee
“The Endocrine Society Annual meeting is the perfect place to gain access to cutting-edge scientific and clinical knowledge. It is also a good place to start and foster collaborations with international colleagues.”
~Daniel Olsson, MsC, MD, PhD
Virtual ENDO 2022 Attendee
COVID-19 Safety Policy and Protocols
Safety is our first priority for everyone attending and participating in the ENDO 2022 Annual Meeting. Please read COVID-19 Safety Policy and Protocols prior to attending the meeting.Need Help?
Check out ENDO 2022 FAQs for general questions.Questions about accessing the platform, sessions and technical issues can be addressed using the HELP DESK ones it becomes available. ENDO customer service will also be available at the Endocrine Society Booth located on the platform.
Event Information
June 11-14, 2022Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta, GA
Important Dates
June 19, 2022- Standard non-member registrant access to the virtual platform concludes
June 30, 2022
- Standard member registrant access to the virtual platform concludes
August 14, 2022
- Standard registration credit claim expiration deadline
December 31, 2022
- Premium member and non-member access to the virtual platform concludes
- Premium registration credit claim expiration deadline